Restricted Substances List




Sunday Afternoons strives to deliver safe, high quality hats and accessories to our customers. In order to safeguard our consumers and the environment from chemicals that may be hazardous, we have policies in place to help guide our factories. We continuously work with our factories to adhere to the RSL requirements and update them as new regulations are released.


Sunday Afternoons requires the following of our Suppliers:


Chemical Management

  • Follow applicable laws, regulations, and standards for proper management of all chemicals used in our products. 
  • Ensure all materials are free of long-chain per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). 
  • Ensure all leather processing occurs free of banned chemicals. Sunday Afternoons encourages Suppliers to source leather processed according to the Leather Working Group standards. 


    Restricted Substances List

    • Comply with the AFIRM Restricted Substances List (RSL), adopted by Sunday Afternoons to follow industry best practices and the latest available scientific knowledge. 
    • Use the AFIRM RSL Testing Matrix to identify and test for chemical risk when supplying to Sunday Afternoons. 
    • Where a Supplier is unable to comply with this RSL, they are required to notify Sunday Afternoons Product Development immediately.