The Pantanos de Centla is a 17,200 sq. km. (6,600 sq. mi.) tropical swamp ecosystem in the southern Mexico states of Tabasco and Campeche which includes seasonally-flooded forests and wetlands. Because of its size and significant role in keeping the delta waters of the Usumacinta and Grijalva Rivers healthy as they travel to the Gulf of Mexico, it was designated as a biosphere reserve in 2006. Champions like Leonardo González Lingenfelder from Monterrey are committed to protecting special places such as the Centla Swamps, and we’re proud to support his efforts.

Leo and his team use video and drone footage to raise awareness and inspire others to get on board protecting the largest wetland in Mesoamerica. His hope is that the circulation of his videos will help stop further environmental deterioration and increase conservation and restoration efforts. In addition to the protection of vital waterways, a variety of botanical and animal species such as the manati, swamp crocodile, white turtle, pilgrim falcon, and the fishing eagle depend on the wetlands for survival.
Leo’s films highlight the work of conservation experts and help support environmental education organizations such as Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable A.C. (ENDESU). The films also help to convey the cultural and environmental values held by so many in Tabasco and throughout Mexico. For more information about the important work being done to protect the Pantanos de Centla, read more at endesu.org.mx/la-casa-del-agua.